Alternate Title: If you give a homeschooler a paper plate.

In the wake of the weekends events, I thought I would share some of the fun we had. Sure, a stray dog found us, the power went out, life was crazier than usual, but we did manage to have some fun with Easter. Since it was at Amber's she asked if we could use paper plates. She still had some left from her wedding a year ago, and didn't want to do as many dishes. While we sat waiting for the final touches on our dinner, I picked up a pencil that happened to be nearby, turned over my plate, and started the game.

Janice caught on quickly, flipped her plate and asked for the pencil.

Then Brenna

Ross couldn't be left out

With a little encouragement Dad even did a self portrait!! Thanks Jay for joining in.

For a reluctant artist, we were all impressed with the detail. As a matter of fact, we had to wrestle the pencil away so Jared could have a turn. Amazing how you can get into this project.

Finally the food was ready. But, the game had become more important, so we had Amber and Eugene complete the picture with their visages.

No matter how our stomachs complained, we still had to do a few combo shots for posterity.

Finally, our stomachs overcame us all. We flipped the paper plates over and filled them with ham, potatoes, green beans and ate!!! But, most of all, we made a memory.
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