Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Fox near the Chicken Coop

Just like I said. I was sitting at the computer this morning, in my pretty pink nightie, since I hadn't been up for more than a few minutes. I'd just gotten off the phone with my husband, all was well and relaxing too.

The dog barked, as it should to issue a stern warning. I nonchalantly rose from my position to look at the dog and see which direction the alert was aimed. Following the dog's line of gaze led my eyes to the chicken coop, and the prettiest red fox! Well, our visitor had returned.

We saw this same fox a couple weeks ago, just a day or two after we noticed our friend the pheasant (see picture on the right bar) had not been around. We had also lost 2 hens one day, and 2 hens another day. Naturally, we blamed the fox for the disappearance of fowl. So, we have been sitting out there random days waiting for it to return. Was I sitting out there today? with loaded gun? NO! rats. . . .

Knowing the fox is easily spooked, as it was the first day we spotted it, I grabbed the loaded gun and headed out the front door. Idiot me forgot to jack it though. So, I was outside when I did that; the fox obviously heard, and by the time I got around to the back side of the house, the fox was all the way to the play house. Too far for my rather innacurate shooting, and too far to know the horse wasn't just down the hill.

So, in my pretty pink nightie, with my slip on white converse sneakers, and a 12 gauge shot gun, I went wandering about the yard following the foxes trail. I was hoping that no one would drive into the yard at this particular moment. I decided that since I didn't see the fox anywhere, it was a good time to get my rather odd looking self back into the house before anyone did see me.

There's always tomorrow. . . maybe if we don't let his food supply out of the coop today, he will be hungry enough to show back up tomorrow.

Mornings are definitely an Adventure around here.

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