Ah, yes, the three basic tenets of the American faith. No you say? Okay, maybe not, but here in the middle of the woods, with limited access to many of the 21st Century's finer luxuries (like television - digital sucks, and phone service - have to use cells), internet does help keep us connected. And, with a laptop in the house, it is nice to not have to be physically tied to a specific wall. So, I set up a wireless router, and we've been networking for a while. Uh - oh! A new menace has moved into the neighborhood (a term I use lightly)- the unsavory neighbor. He believes that my wireless connection should be his free access to internet - MY internet. He's also a computer geek, because he easily got around my initial security, and my second line of defense. Okay, I admit, I didn't make our connection Fort Knox. No one lives within a quarter mile of us! They would have to have some serious boosting equipment to get our wireless, which barely radiates outside our four walls, and doesn't even make it to all rooms in the house.
So, our knew "Adventure" in lifestyle, is a complete understanding that there is no where to hide from thieves in America. They assume it is their right to steal, even if it means more expense and work than just accessing what they want legally. Whole psych discussion there I won't get into.
So, the week has been an adventure. First, the refrigerator went out on birthday weekend, so lots of leg work to replace that. Then, I found that someone had been using MB on our internet when none of us were online or even plugged into (or wireless on) the network. So, this neighbor who I still haven't identified, was back stealing our internet and threatening to get us throttled. See, the Thief doesn't know that we have limited MB usage. He was doing this 6 months ago, and I shut him down finally. But he's back! Now, I'm trying to figure out how to shut him down again, without having to shut us down also. I've had a few good suggestions from some great guys on tech boards. I've learned about MAC filtering, and started that only to find my neighbor knows how to clone MAC addresses and stole the laptop's. On top of all this, I'd rather be visiting my mom in another state because she isn't feeling well. I just had to give our oldest cat a steroid shot because she has developed allergies and was spasming. Spring is here, and I have seen my crocuses, so would love to be outside.
But, today, I empty the refrigerator so I can move the new one in. Have I ever told you I hate shopping? Well, 2 days this week were spent away from home (remember I live in the middle of nowhere) shopping for a new fridge, only to find most now are too tall! Today, though, that saga is over as the new fridge is on its way.
So, "Adventures in Lifestyle" has been just that this week. Between shipping fiascoes (don't even ask about FedEx. . . grrrrrrrrr) for birthdays, refrigerators, cats, internet and the usual day-to-day keeping up with the fire so we have hot water, feeding the animals, cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc., what a week. It has not been the "Adventure in Lifestyle" I really wanted - unique lifestyle which is more sustainable, peaceful, healthful and economical in a world gone mad. Instead, I feel like I've joined the insane world around me.
Now though, my weekend will start. Ah, the weekend, hubby home 3 days, lots to be done, but a change of pace none-the-less. Maybe next week I can get back to just trying to be different than the world around me. Maybe next week I can find this neighbor and stop them. Maybe next week I will pursue "Life, Liberty and Wireless Internet"
Thanks for reading and caring. I truly appreciate it. Now, my son informs me that though we have been by the feed store at least 3 times this week (just going by, not in) we need feed. Guess what? We are done going by the feed store for this week. . . . . .
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, time for some tea - or a Bloody Mary.