May 16, 2007 - okay so it isn't quite the beginning of time, but I figured Genesis was a good place to start. Though my life has a past, it won't be here. I'm going to try to start with today and share those things which I find relevant and helpful to others. Why? Well, the beginning happened. I've been wondering about bloggers for years. Why would someone blog? What motivation is there? Or, as has been a favorite line of our home school, thanks to Cynthia Tobias - What's the purpose? Well, I discovered my purpose:
Last week (okay - a little past) I was reading Jordan Rubin's book The Great Physician's RX for Health and Wellness, which followed a reading of Dr. Janet Maccaro's 90-Day Immune System Makeover. Both books came as a free gift from one of my favorite charities Life Outreach International. One of the recommendations in the book was to use millet, a Biblical grain that has fallen out of the modern diet. I had NO clue whatsoever how to use millet; I'd only ever fed it to the birds. So, needing more information, I hit the web.
I had recently joined a message board for "crunchy" moms. That translates as the type of mothers who breastfeed, attachment parent, don't vaccinate, eat organic, wear their babies, etc. . . .in any combination. I decided that would be a good place to post a question about how to use millet. I got one answer, but it was all the answer I needed. The person who answered was wonderful. She had decided to use millet because it increases alkalinity - that I didn't know.
Her method for use was in sourdough bread. I had always wanted to try sourdough, so asked for a recipe. I also went to my cookbooks, and found a recipe for sourdough starter. Not just any sourdough starter though, it fit my lifestyle perfectly NO SUGAR - unlike those Amish sourdough starters I'd often gotten with way too much sugar. So, what does all this have to do with starting a blog? The next paragraph.
As part of the many links and all the info she sent, she also sent me to her blog where she had posted not only the process she used to make her bread, but also pictures! Wow, that was helpful. As a matter of fact, that was VERY helpful I thought. Then, my juices started flowing. There are all sorts of things I could share in a blog. There are ideas, helpful hints, pictures, anecdotes, etc. I answer a lot of questions via e-mail for friends and message boards. It would be so easy to organize the information here to share.
The setup required a title, so after very little thinking I came up with the one you see - Adventures in Lifestyles. It seemed appropriate, since our family practices some rather non-mainstream lifestyle choices. It seems much of what I will have to share, will undoubtedly be derived from those lifestyle choices, but probably not limited to them. If you happen upon this, I thank you for reading.
So, today the adventure begins. . . .. .
Until next time.