Well, I'd say that it is officially over. . and over. . . and over. My calculations, per my trusty frog rain gauge, have hit 18 inches and rising in the last month. And rising because after a 5 inch gully washer on Monday, we are now getting another deluge with just a one day break in between. Of course, not everyone saw that one day break. It rained in varying spots in NE OK yesterday too, our area just happened to miss it. I've even put a picture up of our 12 year old playing by what we had been referring to as the dry creek bed. It isn't so dry anymore.
With water still running in the roads from Monday, today's rain promises to be very unhelpful for motorists. After a while, the water just runs off into the lakes and streams and heads to the ocean because the ground just can't take any more, so the excess really doesn't do much good other than to make us all feel ducky. I'm happy for the farmers whose empty ponds have been filled, but I'm concerned that we may end up with all our rain for the year in one month, which will leave us very dry by September. Well, hopefully that isn't what will happen. But for the month of June at least, I think I'll take out the flippers and goggles and enjoy our drought reprieve.
To all those people who have been so thoughtful over the last several years, promising to send water in envelopes and letting us know they would give us their extra rain. . THANKS! But, you can stop sending it now. . . . at least for June.